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DRAFT — PBI Indonesia Grants

Grants were given to enable ten Human Rights Defenders working in
remote areas of Indonesia to attend an extensive capacity building program
in Jakarta. The HRDs come from a variety of backgrounds, working on issues
including indigenous rights, discrimination against the transgender
community, land-grabbing and international investments, and assistance for
victims of past gross human rights violations. For many of the HRDs it is
their first time in Jakarta, where they are able to have a break from
their usually stressful work environments to improve their knowledge and
skills in human right theory, field investigations, and protection
measures to take to make their work environment safer. The granting sheme includes support for monitoring and/or research work of the grantees in their regions onces they accomplished capacity building in Jakarta. The HRDs are enabled to directly apply new acquired capacities and to strengthen their respective organisations and human rights initiatives.