The report highlights, among other trends of repression, the threat to freedom of association constituted by the currently discussed Draft Bill on the Creation, Organisation and Operation of Non-Profit Organisations, the de facto discrimination against LGBTQIA+ organisations, which have been persistently denied legal register for decades, or the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, as was the case for the marches in honour of rapper Azagaia last March.
“I do hope that in the coming days and months, ahead of Mozambique 2024 general elections, we will see positive steps be taken towards human rights defenders such as concrete measures to prevent attacks and harassment against them; the promotion of positive narratives around the key role they play in society; and the creation of space for dialogue and cooperation between them and the authorities; among others“, added Gerald Staberock, Secretary General of OMCT.
“Our beloved friend Anastácio Matavel paid the ultimate price for recognising that democracy isn’t won by simply sitting in a chair; it requires taking to the streets and fighting for communities to have a voice. It’s for him and others who made such sacrifices that we persist in the struggle today—for the respect of human rights, to honor their memory, and most importantly, to bolster the determination of those who wake up every morning, ready to ensure others can exercise their rights” said Prof. Adriano Nuvunga, Chairman of the RMDDH and Executive Director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), FIDH member organisation in Mozambique.
Read the full note in English and Portuguese on FIDH website, English and Portuguese on OMCT website.