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Be part of the Human Rights Defenders World Summit community!

We have been very honored to receive more than 1,400 expressions of interest from as many human rights defenders. The organisations convening the HRD World Summit 2018 are grateful to all the courageous individuals -representing countless struggles for social progress, development and justice in the most difficult and challenging places- who have sent their applications. Given the very limited number of available places, the process of evaluation and selection of candidates has been very difficult and complex. It has prioritized the promotion of diversity, scope, balance and representativeness when shaping the delegation of 150 defenders who will attend the upcoming HRD World Summit 2018. 

From the Summit or from your community, we hope that you will still be part of the global community of the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018. From today, your voice, your involvement and your mobilization will be key to promote the global movement of human rights defenders and advocate for a new paradigm for the HRD’s protection and empowerment. Before, during, and after the Summit.

We count on you to multiply the impact and relevance of the Human Rights Defendres World Summit Summit 2018!