Grant-making for human rights organisations
We support the work of your organisation, human rights group, or community defending rights through small grants to develop innovative projects, strengthen your capacities, or to ensure your financial survival.
This programme is especially addressed to groups or NGOs that have limited capacity to approach donors, including those particularly targeted because of the issues they work on, those recently established or not having the possibility to register in their countries of operation, those in need of a timely and flexible response, and those working in remote and isolated areas.
Eligibility and fields of intervention
Call for proposals are either open or will be regularly issued by the partners to cover the following thematic areas
Consolidating operational capacities of local human rights organisations. prioritises funds for operational activities rarely covered by other donors yet important to the medium to long term prospects for Human Rights Defenders, such as:
- Supporting emerging local initiatives, especially the ones in isolated areas or strengthening human rights defenders protection structures, such as networks or focal points;
- Providing a lifeline to local organisations that are ‘endangered’ by unexpected and/or grave security, financial, legal or administrative situations
Expanding capacities to implement local innovative activities and projects to prevent and respond to infringements faced by human rights defenders and their organisations, and to advance a human rights agenda. supports strategies related to advocacy or public campaigns, capacity building and trainings, documentation and printing of materials, joint development and implementation of protection plans by human rights organisations and networks.
- Building capacities of local organisations, by allowing them to obtain and/or conduct specific trainings in areas that would assist in protecting them, such as physical and digital security, legal defense, litigation, etc.;
- Campaigning and advocating for the protection of defenders and to advance a human rights agenda, such as through “academic” visits of special rapporteurs, national, regional and international campaigns or advocacy missions to counter funding restrictions, defamation and the criminalisation of human rights defenders in countries in situations of early warning, and to support initiatives for legal and policy change
Apply for a grant
Update March 2025: We are currently reviewing our centralized and comprehensive support modalities for defenders and are not accepting direct requests from individuals or organizations at this time. In the meantime, if you are in need of support, please contact our Consortium partners who provide grants to organizations:
Support to Afghan Human Rights Groups
The European Union (EU) awarded funds for an eighteen month grant-making programme to support Aghan human rights organisations with institutional support. With the support of Secretariat in Brussels, four international organisations with various expertise and capacity formed an Afghanistan Consortium to implement the project together. Activities will be implemented by the Secretariat with the support of implementing partners.
The objective of this programme is to ensure that groups and networks are empowered, resilient and enabled to continue their work. The project aims to significantly contribute to the sustainability of local human rights movements and organisations.
Shelter initiatives programme
The “Shelter Initiatives” programme contributes to enhance and increase the capacity of shelters and other initiatives for the temporary relocation of HRDs at risk at the local and regional levels.
Its specific objectives are:
- Providing direct material and financial support to new and emerging shelter programmes to develop and strengthen their capacity to deliver effective temporary relocation through a call for proposals.
- Providing advice and expertise and facilitating networking opportunities and knowledge-sharing between initiatives.
This programme takes into account the fact that the differences in terms of language, culture, climate, and distance play a crucial role in the decision of some HRDs at risk whether to relocate or not. It thus complements international relocation schemes by supporting those local and regional projects that respond to the needs of HRDs according to the specificities of the local and regional context; thus benefiting from best practices identified by local entities:
Local and regional initiatives are key relocation partners for defenders at risk, thanks to their first-hand contextual information, close relations with actors working on human rights issues in the countries of origin, their ability to react quickly to emergencies, and their expertise in handling in-depth follow-up once the HRDs come back to their country.
The European Union Temporary Relocation Platform
As part of the support provided to human rights organisations, coordinates the European Union Temporary Relocation Platform (EUTRP). As an initiative of the European Commission, it is a network of entities engaged in temporary relocation of at-risk human rights defenders.
The EUTRP is constituted of entities working to support HRDs who have been temporary relocated or who are seeking temporary relocation at the local, national, regional and international level.
The members of the EUTRP are non-governmental organizations, EU institutions, universities and other relevant education institutions, and national, regional and local governments. Each member is linked to the temporary relocation of HRDs at risk in different capacities: they can act as host entities, grant-making entities, donors, policy makers, or referral entities, coordination hubs, and others.
The EUTRP is a space for its members to to:
- Network with other members to provide collective and comprehensive responses to individual cases of HRDs at risk, including cross checking of references;
- Provide and receive advice and expertise;
- Facilitate knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer learning;
- Facilitate networking opportunities;
- Identify fundraising opportunities;
- Develop research;
- Benefit from capacity-building initiatives;
- Develop joint actions and strategies;
- Receive and disseminate information related to temporary relocation of HRDs at risk with key stakeholders;
To learn more about this initiative or to join the EUTRP, visit the EUTRP website.
Support to Afghan Human Rights Groups
This 18-month programme funded by the European Union is coming to an end.
While we recognize the need for continued support, we are no longer able to accept any applications at this time. We will continue to support Afghan HRDs through other programmes as we acknowledge the very difficult situation in which you find yourselves and the continued need for strong international support.
حمایت از گروه های حقوق بشر افغانستان؛
این برنامه هجده ماهه که توسط اتحادیه اروپا تمویل گردیده بود رو به پایان است. هرچند ضرورت ادامه همکاری برای ما قابل درک است، اما در این مقطع زمانی ما قادر به پذیرفتن درخواستی ها نمیباشیم. با درک شرایط دشواری را که شما اینک تجربه میکنید، و با درنظرداشت ضرورت استمرار یا دوام حمایت های بین المللی، ما به حمایت از مدافعان حقوق بشر افغانستان توسط سایر برنامه ها ادامه خواهیم داد
I am a defender at risk, which program should I apply to?
Frequently Asked Questions about’s grants
Whether you are a potential applicant or have some general questions, you can find answers and information quickly about our support to organisations in the FAQs below
We mobilise two different types of funding for local organisations:
- If you are a grass-roots organisation (either a formally registered entity or community or a loose group defending rights), you can apply for funding to strengthen and sustain your activities . The scope of the projects and activities we can cover under the Strenghtening Organisations programme is wide and, among other, we can support emerging initiatives; lifeline support in case of financial, legal or administrative repression; capacity-building projects such as training; or innovative advocacy and campaigning actions.
- If you are an organisation interested in or running a temporary relocation programme for human rights defenders, you can share your query about funding by contacting us (mail to
Additionally, the EUTRP offers non-financial support to organisations involved in activities related with temporary relocation of HRDs at risk. This kind of support includes peer-to-peer learning, networking, or training.
You can apply to the strengthening organizations program either through our secure web form or our downloadable application form.
For other funding opportunities, please contact us directly.
Yes. You can use the downloadable application forms, which can be found above in this section.
The Strengthening Organizations can cover for a maximum of 15,000EUR, with the average grant being 6,000 EUR. However, these values are only illustrative: will assess the relevance of the measures on a case by case basis.
Not necessarily. You can send a request and communicate with us in English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian.
Only one request per organisation will be processed at a time. If you send several requests, you will be asked to choose which one shall be processed. Also, if you have applied to different programs outside of at the same time, please indicate this in your application form.
It is essential that you answer to all questions in the form. Please provide sufficient information to give an understandable overview, however you do not need to include information that is not directly related to the questions or not relevant to the present request.
In our Strengthening Organizations programme, after you have submitted your request, it will be reviewed by the secretariat. If it meets the program’s criteria, the case will be forwarded to a consortium member chosen based on the application’s thematic and geographical focus. The consortium member will review the application based on their own eligibility and criteria and conduct the verification process.
When your request has been received, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within one week, please send another e-mail. Your request has likely not arrived to us.
In order to inquire about the status of your application under our Strengthening Organizations programme, please reach out to Please note that the length of the process to assess an application can vary based on several factors. You will be informed of the outcome of your application as soon as a decision has been taken.
Under our Strengthening Organizations programme, if your request has been rejected, you will be informed of this outcome by the secretariat. If your request has been accepted, you will be informed by the member in charge of your application.
Yes, all information that you give is kept confidential. If your request for support is accepted, you will be asked whether the information you have provided shall be kept confidential or can be diffused. You can then choose between the two options.
The Europe Union Temporary Relocation Platform (EUTRP) is a worldwide network of organizations, governments, universities and other kinds of entities involved in the temporary relocation of HRDs at risk. The actions developed by its members are diverse and include:
- Running a Temporary Relocation Program for HRDs at risk (at the national, regional, or international level)
- Providing emergency funds to HRDs at risk for temporary relocation
- Providing funds to organizations and other kinds of entities to establish a relocation program or an emergency fund
- Offering technical support to HRDs and/or host organizations to submit an application
- Establishing contact among different actors involved in the relocation process
- Providing services or capacity-building opportunities to relocated HRDs is the European Union Human Rights Defenders mechanism, which provides different kinds of supports to HRDs and human rights organizations. It is led by a consortium of twelve organisations and its work is facilitated by a secretariat based in Brussels. One of the mandates assumed by is the coordination of the EUTRP, and the coordinator of the EUTRP is part of the staff of The membership of the EUTRP goes beyond the partners.
Yes. Any entity that meets the criteria and complete the proper procedure can become a member of the EUTRP. Please, contact us for any further information.
If you believe that you have been negatively affected by the actions of or its representatives, you can submit a complaint through our website and we will review it thoroughly. If you do not have a specific complaint but would like to provide feedback regarding our work, you can also use this channel to communicate your feedback to us.